• bServed will help to revolutionize: implementing remote patient monitoring systems 

  • Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and new solutions are being introduced into various industries, including healthcare. Combining extensive medical expertise with state-of-the-art solutions enables clinics to reach a whole new level. Do you want to make progress too? Then take advantage of bServed's services and implement a remote patient monitoring system. To learn more, visit https://bserved.us/en/our-services/remote-patient-monitoring/ and study the information in full. And we will tell you about the main nuances, features and benefits of using RPM.


    What does RPM include?

    It is a set of components that are aimed at collecting vital information about patients, their current state of health. This includes wearable devices, mobile applications, web platforms through which personal and sensitive data can be securely transmitted.

    Through remote monitoring, a person who is at home can transmit key vital signs to doctors:

    • Heart rate;
    • blood pressure;
    • body temperature;
    • blood glucose levels, and so on.

    Medical staff receive this information, process the data, and can make decisions about prescribing treatment, emergency hospitalization, and more.


    The future of healthcare with bServed

    With the innovative solutions that our company bServed offers to implement, you will revolutionize the American healthcare system. Patients will now be able to take an active role in managing their own health without having to make regular visits to medical facilities.

    A doctor only needs to connect the patient to the RPM system and send him home. Remote control will make it possible to detect undesirable changes in the state of health in time, prescribe treatment, perform surgical intervention and not only. This makes a person more protected from sudden attacks, sudden changes in health condition.

    Remote monitoring of vital signs gives a unique opportunity to inform the patient about these or those changes before he starts to feel bad. In fact, doctors are one step ahead. This reduces the risks of complications and allows conservative treatment instead of surgery because of the ability to detect disease at an early stage.

    Although it is a remote monitoring system, it actually bridges the gap between patients and medical professionals. Therefore, implementing solutions from bServed is the right step into the future of healthcare.